LightningX VPN

What Are Network Protocols? [A Simple Guide]

network protocols

Have you been curious about how devices communicate with each other? If you search for this question online, you might notice this term: network protocols. As the name suggests, you might guess they are rules and standards. However, how do they exactly influence your network and devices?

Here we will provide a simple introduction to network protocols including their definition, types, and a list of common network protocols.

What Are Network Protocols?

As the name suggests, the definition of network protocols is about a set of rules. It defines how devices transmit information on a network such as the format and structure of data packets.

No matter what hardware or software of two devices, a network protocol can ignore the differences. It’s like a common language of network devices, they can understand each other. Network protocols ensure the data can be communicated effectively and safely.

Types of Network Protocols

Network protocols can be divided into main three types: communication protocols, network security protocols, and network management protocols.

Communication protocols define the rules and formats of data transmission. They support daily services like e-mail, video streaming, and more. On the other hand, network security protocols ensure the security of data.

They can create safe connections, and prevent unauthorized accessing or reviewing. In addition, network management protocols can monitor and manage network devices, making the communication stable.

Related: 7 Best VPN Protocols [A User-Centered Guide]

Common Network Protocols List

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or Internet Protocol (IP)

TCP and IP work together to create a safe and reliable transmission. They are the foundation of the internet. IP decides the destination of data packets. On the other hand, TCP ensures packets can be properly ordered. It can also detect errors and require retransmitting any missing or damaged packets.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

HTTP is a protocol that runs over TCP and IP. Through HTTP, client devices and servers can exchange data and resources. When someone enters a website domain and wants to get resources like images, text, and videos, the server responds to the request.

Another version of HTTP is HTTPS. It can encrypt requests and the website itself, keeping security threats away.

User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

It is a connectionless protocol and can offer fast transmission speed. However, it sacrifices security measures like error-checking and flow control to achieve its goal.

If you are using sensitive applications, UDP can’t guarantee the reliability. It is more suitable for purposes that require high speed like media streaming, video conferencing, and online gaming.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

FTP operates through TCP/IP, it allows one device to share files with another. But it lacks privacy and security. Its variation called FTPS solves this problem.

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

ICMP is responsible for network diagnostics and troubleshooting. It can report connectivity issues and send error messages. Tools like Ping will send ICMP requests to check the time the device responds. The delay can imply the quality of the connectivity.

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

SNMP can help network administrators monitor network devices and diagnose errors. The SNMP manager will send requests to devices. Then an SNMP agent collects data about the devices’ performance and communicates with the SNMP manager. In addition, SNMP even supports an alert to prevent any serious issue and solve it as soon as possible.

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

You might acknowledge that devices connected to the internet need IP addresses to identify themselves and provide the right destination to transform data. In addition, the MAC (Media Access Control) address is also important for information transmission.

ARP can map an IP address to a physical address in a local work. Due to its lack of lack of authentication, it’s easier for ARP to be hacked.


Telnet was developed in 1969, its purpose was to access or manage devices remotely. The network admin enters the IP address or hostname to access it. After verifying identification, Telnet allows the request for data.

It’s an effective protocol. However, since it was born in the 2000s, Telnet has not been secure enough to defend against attacks and threats. Without encryption, all the data is communicated by text.

Domain Name System (DNS)

It transforms domain names (like into the IP address. So devices can use these numerical IP addresses to identify the website.

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)

BGP is a routing protocol, that can manage information exchange between systems. A router that supports BGP can detect the paths to packets’ destination.

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

DHCP can automatically assign IP addresses for devices. In addition, the subnet mask, default gateway address, domain name server (DNS) address, and other network configuration information are also included.

The device sends a request and DHCP will provide an available IP address. Be aware that the IP address is not entirely owned by the device. DHCP leases the IP address to the client. Once the time is over, the IP address will be assigned with a new IP one unless you apply for renewal.

Why Are Network Protocols Important?

Network protocols establish rules of communication between devices. They emphasize different aspects like transmission efficiency, data security, and more. Without network protocols, the devices might not be ensured safe and reliable communication.

Use LightningX VPN to Secure Your Device and Network

Network Protocols can guarantee the stability of communication. While daily use, you can also use some tools to protect your device. Here we recommend LightningX VPN.

LightningX VPN

It uses encryption tools and algorithms to protect your data. With a no-log policy, your information is entirely anonymous. Besides, it can hide your IP address and generate a virtual one. No one can access your real physical location.

LightningX VPN supports multiple platforms, you can download it on your computer, phone, or tablet. It is up to three devices simultaneously.

Over 2000 servers in 50+ countries, feel free to select one. Now you can easily watch streaming services in other areas. LightningX VPN offers you a fast and stable experience without latency. Besides, you can unlock websites or download applications not available in your region.


After reading this blog, you might have a basic understanding of network protocols. Hope all devices can get stable and efficient communication. Besides, our data and information can also be secured reliably.

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