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Public IP vs Private IP Address: What’s the Difference?

public IP vs. private IP

In the Internet world, IP addresses are crucial in identifying devices and facilitating communication between them. There are two main types of IP addresses: Public IP and Private IP, each serving distinct purposes within a network.

What is an IP Address?

An IP address is a numerical identifier, the two main functions of an IP address are network interface identification and location addressing. It is utilized by the computer network to which it is assigned for external communication. Additionally, it locates and identifies a host or network interface.

IP addresses can be divided into public IP addresses and private IP addresses:

Public IP address

A public IP address is provided by your Internet Service Provider for your network. It allows you to identify your device on the Internet. Public IP addresses may be used for communication between hosts on the global Internet.

The public IP is a globally routable unicast IP address which means the address is not reserved for private networks, or the various IPv6 address formats of local scope or site-local scope.

There are two types of public IP addresses, dynamic IP addresses and static IP addresses.

Private IP address

A private IP address, also known as a local IP address, is the IP address assigned to your device by your network router.

This address is visible only within your network and is therefore not accessible online. Each device connected to your network is given a unique private IP address that enables it to communicate with other devices.

With the help of private IP addresses, a router can forward data traffic on its network. This means private addresses help to increase security within a network.

What’s the Difference Between Public IP and Private IP?

Although both public and private IP addresses are crucial for device communication over networks, they have different functions and work in different contexts. The following is an overview of the main distinctions between the two:

Public IP Address Features:

Visibility: Public IP addresses are globally unique and can be directly accessed by other devices or servers. A public IP address is accessible over the internet. It’s assigned to a device by an Internet Service Provider (ISP). You can directly connect the device to the Internet anywhere.

Uniqueness: Each public IP address is unique, there is no same public IP address. If two devices use the same IP address, the IP address conflict occurs.

Usage: Public IP addresses can be accessed globally by devices or servers and are used to establish external network connections. These addresses are used for devices that need to communicate directly with other devices on the internet, such as web servers, email servers, or any service that needs to be publicly accessible.

Range: The public IP address can be any number except the one reserved for the private IP. But most importantly it must be unique.

Private IP Address Features:

Visibility: Private IP addresses are not routed over the Internet and there is no way to send traffic to them from the Internet. They are usually assigned by internal network administrators themselves. These addresses are used for internal communication within a network.

Uniqueness: Private IP addresses are unique within a specific private network but can be reused in different private networks. For example, many house routers use the same private IP address ranges, but this doesn’t cause conflicts because they are isolated within their networks.

Usage: Private IP addresses are mainly used in LANs in residential, office, and business areas. Each device connected to it can have a private IP address. These addresses are typically assigned to devices such as computers, smartphones, printers, and other networked devices within a home or organizational network. They allow devices to communicate with each other locally.

Range: Private IP addresses fall within specific ranges reserved by IANA for private use. The common ranges are to, to, and to

All in all, Public IP addresses are used for external, internet-facing communications, and are unique across the entire internet. Private IP addresses are used for internal network communications and are unique only within a specific network, but not globally.

How to Protect Your IP Address?

There are two useful tips for you to protect or hide your IP address. The first one is using a proxy server. The other one is using a virtual private network.

Proxy server:

A proxy server serves as both a filter and a firewall. The end-user or a network administrator may select a proxy that is intended to safeguard data and privacy. It checks the information entering and leaving your network or device. After that, it will hide your digital address from prying eyes.

Only the IP address of the proxy is visible to hackers and other undesirable actors. People on the internet cannot directly access your data, schedules, apps, or files if they do not have your unique IP address.

After setting up, web requests are sent through the proxy to the server, which subsequently retrieves the desired content from the internet. Passwords and other private information are further protected if the server is equipped with encryption.


With a VPN for Internet access, your public IP address changes every time you connect. This is because each new connection you make is encrypted to hide your IP address and prevent snooping.

But not all VPNs work the same. If you’re using a free VPN, these free VPNs don’t have strong security and privacy policies. To ensure the highest level of security and encryption, you will want to use a higher-quality VPN.

LightningX VPN is a great option. You just download the app on your devices and easy-click the “CONNECT” button. It can hide your IP address, encrypt your connection, and even bypass geolocation restrictions to access your favorite content online.

No matter what you use it for, you can rest assured. Enjoy a secure, high-speed Internet experience while hiding your real IP address.

Public IP vs Private IP – FAQs

Can a Device Have Public IP and Private IP at the Same Time?

Yes, a device like a router or a server can have both a public IP address, which is for internet communication, and a private IP address, which is for internal network communication.

What is Network Address Translation (NAT)?

NAT is a process used by routers to translate private IP addresses to a public IP address for communication over the Internet. This allows multiple devices on a private network to share a single public IP address.

Are Public IP Addresses Secure?

Public IP addresses are exposed to the internet, making devices with public IP addresses more vulnerable to attacks. Proper security measures, like firewalls and VPNs, are essential.


This blog post outlines the key differences between public and private IP addresses and answers frequently asked questions about the topic.

Understanding the differences between public and private IP addresses is critical to maintaining the privacy and security of your Internet activities.

There are also some methods for you to take to secure your IP address and protect your Internet communications.

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